From time to time it has been seen that people of various ages comes out with a constant dictum of accusation. An assertion that today’s media outlet cannot be trusted with its news. Yes in various occasions it seems to be true. In fact India’s recent ranking in Press Freedom Index has proved the same.

May 3 is celebrated as World Press Freedom Day in the entire world. But liberation of Indian press is nowhere to be seen as it fails to cross the 100th mark. It slipped two ranks on 2018 i.e 138 in World Press Freedom Index is one step above Pakistan and one step below Myanmar among 180 countries.

Press freedom is indicator of Democracy. A well balanced, free and fair press can take the country forward. Unfortunately today’s journalist and media houses are going through a difficult phase. The basic factors that are affecting India’s press in global platform are showcased below.

Altschull (1984)“The content of the press is directly correlated with the interest of those who finance the press”. Ultimate power lies with the owner of the media organizations. They not only affect the editorials and columns but also the coverage of news and features. Because the content of the news is built into the economic objective of the company.  Media firms owned by Stockholders, public service are most likely to get corrupt than a commercially owned organization.
The four methods identified by which ownership can impact news output:
(i) Direct intervention by an owner;
(ii) Indirect influence of an owner through the appointment of an editor who    shares his view;
 (iii) The influence of the business approaches that an owner can take; and
 (iv) Different approaches to journalism.

 Government has huge impact on media as it is an important tool to deliver their desired news. Many a time’s government seems unable to fulfill their promises. In such occasion governments tries to corrupt the media houses with the coverage that would serves their agenda and general public fails to see it. If we focus on Indian the usage of media for political campaigne by major poltical parties are not unseen.  “Aap ki Bar Modi Sarkar” were the best political campaigne by  BJP before coming to power in 2014 and it was seen in congress side too.
The recent case of defamation against The WIRE and removal of two senior most journalists from ABP news shows government tolerance towards media houses are decreasing at an alarming rate, surely which is not good for the term Independent media houses

Since 1992 , 47 journalist have been killed in India, according to data compiled by committee to protect Journalist. The infamous case of killing of journalist Gauri Lankesh, who was gunned down in Bengaluru. Kashmir editor Shujaat Bukhari was gunned down in Srinagar in june this year. Above examples shows why today’s media persons are afraid to indulge in controversial but true news reportings.

These cases clearly clearifies why Indian press is going in a descending order at analarming rate. But there’s always been various example such as Bal Gangadhar Tilak, G subramanium Iyer, K Ramakrishna Pillai who changed the course of history from time to time by their works of journalism and in present times Ravish Kumar, Karan Thapar, Abishar Sharma, Milind Khandekar are the few people still on their course to provide genuine news to the citizens of India. Well hope is still there for brave and true journalism, for they will rise again to establish the truth but the task will not be that easy.



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